How it works

Having stylish kids, a minimal wardrobe and reducing your carbon footprint has never been so easy. With one simple move, join Care-o-Sell Kids Rental Clothing Subscription now!


Choose your wardrobe styles


Choose your wardrobe styles


Fill out our questionnaire


Wait for your first package to arrive


After a month, return any items you want to change out and keep your favs as long as you want!


Send in your own gently used items to receive credit towards next order


Feel great about helping to do your part to save the planet!

How it works

Having stylish kids, a minimal wardrobe and reducing your carbon footprint has never been so easy. With one simple move, join Care-o-Sell Kids Rental Clothing Subscription now!


Choose your wardrobe styles


Fill out our questionnaire


Wait for your first package to arrive  


After a month, return any items you wish to switch


Send in your own gently used items to receive credit towards next order


Feel great about helping to do your part to save the planet!

Our Styles

Why choose us?

Over the past twenty years, clothing production and consumption have more than doubled, with average consumers keeping their clothes only half as long. Around 100 billion garments are produced annually for the fashion industry alone, accounting for 20% of the world’s wasted water. It’s hard to believe most people only wear 50% of their wardrobes too!

This rapidly evolving problem of fast fashion and over consumption of clothing needs to be corrected. By making it easier to make a conscious decision to shop with ethical, sustainable and high-quality brands together, we will make a huge impact in preserving the planet! Join the movement to preserve Mother Earth for generations to come.